Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Yesterday after like 2 months or so I finally met up with my classmates again for a BBQ session. Because there's no direct bus to ECP we had to walk.... from Area E to Area C. That is like damn far lorh. I think we took like 20 minutes to reach the place.

It was a full moon last night and it was ginormous. Plus it was red and so close to the sea so we were debating if it was a moon OR a balloon. Ya that's how bo liao my classmates are. Still debated after half an hour. Obviously we also have more sensible classmates who said, "You all are still debating over whether it's a balloon? Come on, does a balloon have f***ing patterns like that?"

Still in doubt some of my classmates went over to the shore to stare at the moon. Cos how can a moon be so red and huge right. Like a pimple. Among the rest of us, someone declared that it was "Buddha's balls". (Not to be discriminative against Buddhists, the majority of us are Buddhists anyway.) Then someone went to find them at the shore and related it to them, that the round balloon thing was actually Buddha's balls. They believed it and asked, "那另外一力呢? (What about the other one?)"

But slowly the "balloon" did rise and gradually turned yellow too. It's beautiful and I think I want to be back next month to just gaze at it.

Surprisingly I don't have a hangover. I'm not too sure if I've been drunk last night, though. But I've done stupid things.

Like while walking with Nicole to look for kittens because Terence said there were 2 somewhere around, I noticed 2 leaves and REALLY thought they were the kittens. But under close inspection I realised that they were too small.

Then at home I threw up and after that I started eating again hahahaha!! I didn't eat too much at the BBQ though. It was the alcohol that made me feel full. And then I stared at the computer clock, 12.82am.

Of course doing bimbotic drunken things like that could happen to me anytime anyday. I'm home alone again so I took some leftover fried rice from the fridge and decided to improvise abit. I poured some canola oil into the pan, then I realised it might taste better with butter instead, so I added a TEENY amount of butter in. There was a bottle of dark sauce of some sort nearby and thinking it was Shaoxing wine, I decided to add that in too. After pouring in quite a generous amount, I must say, I realised it wasn't Shaoxing wine but... sesame OIL. OMGOAJGNWSUIHFDAOISJFDOSIJ!!!!!

Stay Sober Leow Yee Ching.

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