Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I have to wake up at 6am and I'm still awake. Going to suffer lor.

Nowadays I have this temptation to start baking because I simply have no social life. Even my online social life is inactive. I should be a lone baker and own like 10 cats that will always be there, maybe. At least being clawed at every 10 seconds is something worth blogging about. I think. Hello I think I got auntie syndrome now leh how?

I have to leave, I have to hurry and leave
Affection will turn into tears
So that I can’t see the one I left behind
I have to hurry a bit more and leave
She is crying, the love that I leave
The overwhelming sadness is flowing
It is so difficult to take a step
With her back to me
She stands, crying

Don’t ever love
Heartbreak will surely come
It hurts to even breathe
I thought that this would only hurt
As much as I loved
But I was wrong
It hurts a thousand times more

I’m afraid of living with my eyes open
Because I know I won’t see you even if I look for you
It seems better to fall asleep exhausted
After longing for you

Don’t ever love
Heartbreak will surely come
It hurts to even breathe
I thought that this would only hurt
As much as I loved
But I was wrong
It hurts a thousand times more

Just once, one more time, can’t we try it? Can’t we?
I cry out like an idiot to myself

Don’t ever love
It hurts enough to die
You will cry every day
I told myself that when love comes again
that it would be easier and that it would last
But I was wrong. Not for my love
Not for me

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