Friday, April 1, 2011

1 April

I've been in a very contemplative mood today. I was thinking of what I want to be in my next life.

At first I was thinking that I didn't want to be a human anymore. I didn't want to live on earth again. Just wanna 享受 and enjoy myself in 天堂 (heaven). But that would mean I would have done many merits in this life, enough to spend forever in a better place. And at this point of time, I haven't done much to save myself.

I also don't get why people do good just to earn themselves a better afterlife, if it actually exists. It's ironic. If you decide to do good, it should be because you care about the welfare of others, so that they can live more comfortably, not because you can live more comfortably.

Anyway, just in case I'm reborn on earth again, I hope to be a man.

Being a woman is painful. Everyday because of the female nature we think of shallow things like looks. It seems like everyone is competing for skinniness. And if you're not, you're fat and jealous. Not to mention that women age faster. :'( People say that your looks are carried from the deeds of your past life. Therefore if you're jealous of skinny girls you become uglier in your next life. And if the skinny girls aren't bitchy or evil they'll be pretty in their next life. HAHA omg, I think too much.

Not only do we have to face pregnancy and motherhood, and in some point of some of our lives, prostitution (wah scary), from the beginning of time till now, we're still being discriminated. Because of our physical strength everyone thinks we're vulnerable. If a certain guy sleeps around with multiple women, there's really nothing much to say about him but if a girl sleeps around, she's labelled as a slut. SIGH.

"Girls get periods, pregnancy and pain and boys get food, football and females." To what extent do you agree with this statement? Explain. [15m]

Aiya forget it. Not like I can choose my destiny also haha!

On a lighter note, today it is April Fools' Day and sadly I did not get pranked. Neither did I prank anyone. I was stuck in Malaysia all day. Therefore I do not know anyone I can prank. I know, in Malaysia no one knows me and I can joke all I want... but I'm not that da dan. :( I wish I were!!!! Every year I spend April Fools' Day being a loner. I hear of classic jokes like the next class faking a fire alarm and the teacher laughing at their failure but that's all. I hear only I never do anything :(

The only joke I remember pulling was in sec 1 or 2 when I changed my MSN nick to "Changed my number. Nudge me for it. :)" That's all. I guess I'm just not creative enough boohoohoo :(

1 thing I dislike about 1 April is that every piece of news you encounter, you face with a sense of doubt. I didn't believe it when my friend Jacqueline told me that there's this rumour going around that our favourite band has decided to go on a world tour. Oh and GUESS WHAT, we discovered it was just a prank.

Wait ah everybody. Next year I'll make an epic comeback. :) WATCH OUT!!!

Can't believe it's April already. 2011 seems to fly.

Btw, today happens to be my dead dog's birthday. No joke.

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