Saturday, May 14, 2011

This week has fled past in a blur.

For once I'm writing my reports more than a week in advance and I'm actually enjoying the process of it.

Yes, it's still stressful, my brain is about to explode, but I like this kind of stress. My modules for this semester require more creative thinking than practicality.

This semester we are to:
- create a realistic proposal of a resort while ripping off the stereotypical beach resort image
- come up with a report on how to attract more visitors to one of Singapore's major parks
- plan an event for the Sentosa Board (Yup, this one is a real project)

Stuff like that. But I'm really glad because I don't have to think so logically. No budget. No textbook answers. Just your creativity penned down into reports. The sky is the limit, as long as the idea is feasible.

This year's equivalence to economics (UGH, I never want to go through that ever again) is accounting. I really enjoy it though. I might even consider making accounting my career. But it's too early to say that.

So yup, I sorta like being in school. Obviously not as good as staying at home la, but beggars can't be choosers right? The travel there though, is horrific. I admit it now. I hate travelling to school. Every morning peak hour I'll get squashed by passengers. Lecherous eyes. Now right, when I get that look, I really just glare back. Haha!

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