Sunday, May 29, 2011


I decided to scream for fun despite my sore throat. And even though I took antibiotics before that my throat has worsened now due to the screaming. I have a presentation on Tuesday. Why so foolish Ching?


Saturday, May 28, 2011

My throat hurts, I've been falling asleep too easily, I can't swallow.

Ok so I was mixed up about anniversary dates and I feel like such a fool. Sigh :(

Woke up to someone telling me his gal friend told me I badmouthed him. I never did. And... I don't even know his friend? Ok, what have I done wrong this time?

To dream that you injured or hurt your foot, signifies a lack of progress, freedom, and independence. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you have taken a step in the wrong direction. In particular, if you dream that your foot is cut by glass, then it indicates passivity.

To dream that you have a cut, suggests that you are being let down or being undermined. Alternatively, it refers to feminine sexuality and feminine attitudes toward sex. In particular, if the cuts are on your legs, then it symbolizes an imbalance. You are unable to stand up for yourself.

To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood, signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Your past actions has come back to haunt you. Women often dream of blood or of someone bleeding, shortly before or during their periods or while they are pregnant.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hi. To the following IP addresses:

You have been banned :)

btw yes I'm still awake. Planning to skip lecture haha. ^^

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Not attending school. I don't really care now. Hahahahahahhahaha

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Urgh it's not that I wanna delay my report. I'm feeling so stressed now I'm thinking maybe cutting my wrist will help. And I'm not emo I just need some relief...

Annoying spammers stop spamming my tagboard or I will cut you as well

Monday, May 23, 2011

I've been spending my weekend being attached to the Singapore Arts Festival. It was so tiring I swear but in the end it's all worth it.

So day 1, on Sat, all I did was hand out flyers. A really sad thing to do. Cos 99% of the time you'll be rejected. Even if people approach you they'll ask you where to get to somewhere else. But believe it or not, over the course of 3 to 4 hours, I managed to meet 3 of my ex teachers in the vicinity. I didn't know so many are into the arts. Arms suan.

And yesterday, me and Gina planned to be volunteers to be ice cream girls. Easy what, you give free Haagen-Dazs ice cream people sure take one right. And it's true. In the end we gave away approximately 550 tubs of ice cream in 5 hours. The skateboard crowd kept coming back for rounds and rounds of ice cream so in the end we told them it's 1 tub per person. Oh, and we really hated the chef we worked with cos he scolded us for no reason. But he's actually really nice and was just putting on a false front. In the end he gave us leftover fries and cooked up hot dogs for the both of us ($6 each leh). Arms suan legs suan entire body suan.

But those 2 days were truly worth it because of my really supportive bf.

Saturday night he ended work about the same time as I did so he told me to rush and hop on the train so that we could board the same train. Yup so I really did rush and I even pangsehed my own group of friends who were far behind. However when I reached the destination it seemed that he was much earlier than me... with a surprise of bubble tea. He even remembered to leave out the pearls :) The truth was he had already reached and was scouting around for an open bubble tea shop, at 11pm. After finding it he tapped his card again and went back into the MRT station to wait for me. I later found out he didn't eat all day...

The following night I reached the MRT station earlier and kept insisting on waiting for him but he wouldn't let me. So I went to the bus station and waited for my bus. In the end he called me and probably being able to detect the disappointment in my voice, he said he'd find me in 5 minutes with bubble tea. And I was like, "But my last bus comes at 11.17." He did make it back however. At the exact same time as the arrival of the bus. In the end I ignored it and took another bus :) Hehe

I hope I'll be able to give as much as you'll let me take.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The travel back from Sentosa is very very exhausting. Even if I haven't done much that day I'd still feel like I've done a lot of work, and then I'll go to sleep once I reach home. The difference between myself during the holidays and now is that, during the holidays I had no life and I was contactable. Now, I still have no life but I'm also out of reach, even if I'm at home cos I'm sleeping.

So this morning (20/5/2011. Cos the sky is still dark and I consider it the same day) he's working at Vivo and so we decided to travel to Vivo together and have breakfast. Rushed through Starbucks and ended up bringing part of my frappucino and bagel to class. Haha damn da dan. Late already still can stroll in with Starbucks. Lol.

Today (21/5/2011) and tomorrow I have some Singapore Arts Festival thing from 5 to 11 and I hope I'm not too tired for Monday's 9am tutorial! Sigh!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Brownie points

Baked brownies 2 nights ago. I have this habit of baking late at night. It's to do with my procrastination thing. But I would never delay my baking for another day, then another day, then another day cos I would have already made plans to share it the next day.

To me, baking or cooking for others isn't really about eating, but sharing. Because I don't have much confidence in my cooking, I truly enjoy seeing the smiles on peoples' faces after taking a bite of my effort. It sort of motivates me to cook/bake for, especially for them. In fact, there was once I made Oreo truffles for Valentine's day, and I didn't even try them. I just thought of sharing all of it, and I wasn't disappointed at all. :)

I was so pleased that the brownies were really well received. Apart from some people who secretly didn't really like me, those who tasted them loved them. I didn't have enough to share in the end, cos I reserved 2 for my bf but in the end he forgot to try them so I am angry >:(

Speaking of which, yesterday we went to ECP and he wanted to go to the Jetty. It was damn far you know, from Area C to Area F :( That's another 3 letters... Halfway walking I whined (hahahhaha) aiya but we kept walking. We took 2 hours to walk from end to end leh that's like the amount of time I sleep sometimes. Ok la I should stop complaining. Cya :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

This week has fled past in a blur.

For once I'm writing my reports more than a week in advance and I'm actually enjoying the process of it.

Yes, it's still stressful, my brain is about to explode, but I like this kind of stress. My modules for this semester require more creative thinking than practicality.

This semester we are to:
- create a realistic proposal of a resort while ripping off the stereotypical beach resort image
- come up with a report on how to attract more visitors to one of Singapore's major parks
- plan an event for the Sentosa Board (Yup, this one is a real project)

Stuff like that. But I'm really glad because I don't have to think so logically. No budget. No textbook answers. Just your creativity penned down into reports. The sky is the limit, as long as the idea is feasible.

This year's equivalence to economics (UGH, I never want to go through that ever again) is accounting. I really enjoy it though. I might even consider making accounting my career. But it's too early to say that.

So yup, I sorta like being in school. Obviously not as good as staying at home la, but beggars can't be choosers right? The travel there though, is horrific. I admit it now. I hate travelling to school. Every morning peak hour I'll get squashed by passengers. Lecherous eyes. Now right, when I get that look, I really just glare back. Haha!

Monday, May 9, 2011

There's gonna be one less lonely girl.

Finally reapplied for my concession card, which was stolen about a year ago. It's an immediate replacement, I should have signed up ages ago!!! And I have school today. My sis doesn't and I really don't feel like going cause she can sleep in. But I can use my new concession card. Something to look forward to! Hee.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Overview of the week.

This week, I:

1) Helped a stranger sell 3 Universal Studios Singapore tickets, to another stranger. And denied any form of commission too. It's the sense of achievement that counts.

2) Bumped into boyfriend on the way home.

3) Found out that someone in class shares the same birthday as me. No wonder we click so well. ;)

4) ..........................

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm still awake cos my printer hates me. It takes 10 minutes to print 1 page?!?! I NEED 7 MORE PAGES LEHHH :( and I'm waking up at 6.30 somemore. I'm going to get grinded by the crowd in the MRT again.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Went exploring around Dempsey Hill with Aishah yesterday. It's a lovely place. I think I have made up my mind to celebrate my 18th there.

Later on I had dinner with D at Watercross. Had my first cocktail! Heee.