Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'M 18!!!!!

hi guise tudae i arm 18 HOORAY

Anyway yesterday was horrible. I quarreled with a friend over text (I brought up something I was unhappy with lolol), cried in the locker room in front of all my female classmates sighsigh. Then some idiot stole my clothes and I couldn't change out of my culinary uniform. Yes. My clothes. Not my phone not my wallet. But I have never worn the shirt before leh, just bought it like the day before or something. Cried again at my luck :(

Skipped the last lecture of the day to look for my missing clothes.

Weirdly enough news of my crying spread throughout the whole lecture theatre.

"Yeeching cry ah?"
"I heard from someone Yeeching cry"
"OMG is Yeeching okay????"

After the lecture ended people came looking for me to see if I was alright. It's kinda heartwarming cus they walked all the way from business school to the culinary academy, an approximate 10-minute walk.

I reminded myself that the day would only get better. And it did.

The whole time prior to yesterday I've been wondering how I should celebrate my birthday. Was probably swayed by people telling me that 18 is a special age etc etc etc. So naturally I expected something more than my previous birthdays. At least something. No way in hell was it going to be like that time when I turned 16, I stayed in school and studied because I had 2 o-level papers the next day

Hmm. WHERE? HOW? Was I going to celebrate it by clubbing? Or stick to the Singaporean trend of bbqs and chalets?

Then my parents told me 18 where got big, since when people celebrate 18 one. You want to celebrate, then celebrate 21 la, where got 18?!

So maybe hmm, keep it simple la.

Then one day we passed by a bar that we pass by often, like even since my kindergarten days, but never notice. A birthday party advertisement caught my mum's eye. So here we are.

The power of advertisement!!!

With ma kc buddies Jayne and Vanessa!!!!

Nicole :)

Gina :)

Jasmine :)

Veronica :)

Eunice :)

Big fat cake!

It's a humongous 2kg. Everyone was going, "Huh the cake so big ah?" Imagine their expression when I said that there wasn't only one cake, but TWO. My dad assumed it wouldn't be enough so he bought an identical one.

With the family :)

With my kc peeps Vanessa Jayne and Marietta!

Jasmine Nicole Eunice Veronica Gina :)

Everyone was laughing at how I blew the candles. I'd shake my head from left to right to ensure that all the flames were put out LOL



Father and Mother

Ending off with a toast! Beer is my favourite kind of alcohol. :)

Pricing was reasonable. We got to quote our budget and my dad suggested $20 per person. The manager said $20 was a good price. We'd have like six different types of food and the waitresses would even top them up and pour us drinks! Great service, great food, everything was perfect. The live band was called to sing for me and all my friends loved the ambiance!

$20 leh!! If you order catering at your own venue the pricing would still range around that price, plus you need to book a venue. This place settles the food, the music and the venue!!! And when I walked out the staff still wished me happy birthday SUPER WORTH IT OMG

Mel's Bar & Bistro
2A Kuo Chuan Avenue

As for the presents! I don't really mind not getting one but when I get one I super appreciate it. Among the gifts I got were:

1. A pair of headphones. My old ones were spoilt already so my sis got me a new pair and gave them to me a few days ago

2. A photo in a photo frame from Jayne. It's of us wearing masquerade masks after our prom :)

3. A bejewelled M-shaped keychain to commemorate my new name from Eunice and Veronica

4. 3 boxes of Merci chocolate from Jasmine

5. A Body Shop gift box from Gina. She gave it to me at school cos she forgot she was meeting me at the party again lol! Luckily it wasn't among the lost things.

6. A four leaf clover handmade keychain from my sister's friend. Just in time cos I really need the luck!

7. A lovely exotic necklace from Nicole! Squealed when I saw it haha...

8. A Marks and Spencer floral talcum powder gift set from Marietta! She did mention that she got me a gift that she wouldn't normally get. REALLY SWEET OMG HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS

9. And a midnight birthday kiss from .......... who traveled all the way to chat with me till midnight. I'm to expect another present later lol

Alrighty heading down to town cos Vanessa wants me to collect her present for me from her!! And meeting ......... for my birthday surprise and dinner! Toodles

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today I am not in school and resting at home because of a series of unfortunate events that occurred yesterday.

Yesterday was the lousiest day ever. I'm beginning to see a pattern occurring only on Mondays. In fact I think I'm going to die on a Monday.

Firstly I failed on my grooming. The back of my head had baby hair and I only brought ONE pen instead of TWO! Like that also can minus marks, 佩服 佩服.

During the break I found that my heel had broken -_- managed to secure it with masking tape and survived.

THEN came the difficult part. Remember last week when I had to carry trays and failed? Well this week was worse.

We were asked to carry plates, and if you're thinking that sounds a lot easier it's actually the next court of hell. We had to carry 1.1kg porcelain plates, 2 on each hand. And the only things you can use to secure the plates are a thumb and a pinky.

Just like that. It's NOT easy I tell you.

The rule states that you have to lock your wrist and elbow muscles and use your left hand. No securing of plates by leaning them against your body. Hold them up by putting your 3 middle fingers together and by jutting out your thumb and pinky finger. Place the plate on your 3 fingers and secure your thumb and pinky on the plate. Just the rim of it though, you don't want to leave your fingerprints on these beauties.

And if you're carrying a second plate, rest it on your pinky! That's about it.

Needless to say I was the only one who broke a plate. My batch was really supportive, but I highly doubt that if I make another mistake they'll still be this kind to me.

All that and when I got back to my locker room I realised my other heel was broken.

I didn't feel much about my failure to carry out tasks. Everything was really a blur to me, I felt nothing and I was just staring dreamily into space, until people thought I was being emo and asked if I was okay. That was when I felt like I was going to cry :(

Ahh well. When you're at your lowest point, there's no way you can get any lower but up.

I cheered myself up by thinking I should get myself a new pair of heels.

Just then as I was walking down the overhead bridge my knee collapsed and ruptured.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I just had my first service boot camp training. To say it was grueling is an understatement. I somehow suspect that being a waitress isn't my call at all.

Eh but seriously. Who actually thinks waiting tables is a life purpose?

My day started with someone yelling at me:

Okay. After that we were taught about all kinds of things related to the F&B service industry. Which wasn't grueling at all, but it got boring.

Though it was already quite torturous having to stand in heels for hours on end. Not cool, and all our backs were hurting.

Then break came, and thank God for that cos it felt like I was going to cut a bitch soon. Like with a steak knife cos it's the sharpest knife used for serving. YES. I finally find the relevance of learning something.


Learning to wait tables seemed simple at first, but later as they upped the levels the weight was too much and my arm couldn't even handle holding things any longer. Worst thing was, I was the only one who couldn't survive. I tried, I did. My teammate cheered me on throughout the whole time and continuously said stuff like "YOU CAN, JUST TELL YOURSELF YOU CAN" "don't worry, I'm here for you", resulting in the whole class going AWWWW SO SWEET but I wasn't even paying attention to my surroundings, my arm just couldn't hold out!

(haha thinking back I'm always saved by the tall tanned handsome guy through trying times. lol oops)

Next activity I couldn't participate as well because you had to squat down and carry trays of quantities of building bricks in preparation for serving at banquets.

Wah I swear 4 weeks of boot camp really gonna test my limit, then after that, another 10 weeks of serving. Wish me luck people, wish me luck.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Day I Had Yoga

Early this week I tried my hand at yoga. After a deliberately elaborate break from ballet - almost 2 years now - (YES, I admit I stopped ballet on purpose because I'm scared my knee may relapse again. But think of it this way, my doctor DID mention a relapse may result in me not being able to walk again), I thought I should give yoga a chance. I've never considered yoga, or pilates for that matter, because it had a reputation for being a bit weird when I was a child, until my last ballet exam, when my ballet teacher's assistant suggested I pick one of these two activities up to strengthen my knee muscles and to stay balanced.

And now, I've been seeing all these signs.

First, I read a book. It mentioned how enjoyable yoga is and sorta piqued my curiosity lah.

Next day, my parents encountered this Indian taxi driver in Malaysia who does hatha yoga, which is a traditional Hindu type of yoga system.

On the very same day, while at home, someone had posted on the wall of my condo's Facebook group that a hatha yoga company was going to organise a trial class for interested residents the following day. So naturally I jumped to the idea!

When you get the same thing thrice, it could very well be a sign!

Class was to start at 10am and I forced myself out of bed by 9. It's very unusual for me to get up this early, cos my already 5-week holiday influenced me to sleep at unearthly hours and wake up naturally at noontime. I honestly didn't know what to wear so I just made my outfit look gym-ish...

I can't remember if this photo was taken before or after the session. But this will do.

I'm a fairly new resident to this condo and thus I had some difficulty finding the exercise room. But I was actually 10 minutes early when I reached and the earliest!

Our instructor is a native Indian lady. My other "classmates" consisted of two middle-aged woman - one Japanese and the other Singaporean with a pilates background, the Singaporean woman's husband, and an elderly man. I first got acquainted to the old man cos we were the earliest to come to class and he's really nice.

Class was interesting. I found that many of these moves and stretching exercises were familiar to me because I had done them in my ballet classes. Everything seemed relatively easy, albeit slightly uncomfortable, and for some muscles I couldn't feel the stretch at all because they had already been stretched at maximum level during my ballet days. For example, for one exercise you should feel a stretch in your ankles but my decade-long experience of toe-pointing made me immune to that sensation.

All of a sudden, my knee gave way, I yelled, fell and clutched my knee. :( The instructor came over and massaged it. Few moments later, I was back in the scene.

The class ended with a few meditation exercises and I loved them. Actually, I haven't told this to anyone but I've been meditating since sec 4, but quite irregularly, and I'm glad I have something now to reinforce it.

Despite the end of the session being a tad more painful, I thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed it. Really. No complaints until much later when my knee swelled up quite badly and I had to limp down stairs and slopes while shopping.

For a year or so I've been feeling really weak. My heart's weak, and worse, I was getting out of shape. I've been praying and asking for help that I could find some sort of exercise I would enjoy so that my metabolism and heart rate would get better. Finally it came along and I intend to take yoga classes weekly!

Okay, it sounds very much like an ad now. Zis is not an ad! :(

All that aside, my knee is healing now and right before typing this entry, I dyed my hair. Back to black. Course regulations for this coming semester. I'm gonna be a chef with a tight gelled up hair and a bun and red lipstick. Sigh....

My hair looks fine, I just need to get used to it. By the way, is this real life?

I haven't spoken to my dad all day. Things have been getting quite estranged around here. Oh well.

White skin, black hair, red lips. Call me Snow White and I might feel better. Heh.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

the rain falls on my windows
and a coldness runs through my soul
and the rain falls, oh the rain falls
i don't want to be alone

i wish that i could photoshop all our bad memories
cus the flashbacks, oh the flashbacks
won't leave me alone

if you come back to me, i'll be all that you need
baby come back to me
let me make up for what happened in the past

baby come back to me
i'll be everything you need
baby come back to me
boy, you're one in a million

baby come back to me
i'll be everything you need
baby come back to me
you're one in a million

lower east side of manhattan
she goes shopping for new clothes
and she buys this, and she buys that
just leave her alone

i wish that he would listen to her side of the story
it isn't that bad, it isn't that bad
and she's wiser for it now

i admit i cheated
don't know why i did it
but i do regret it
nothing i can do or say can change the past

baby come back to me
i'll be everything you need
baby come back to me
boy, you're one in a million

baby come back to me
i'll be everything you need
baby come back to me
you're one in a million

everything i ever did
heaven knows i'm sorry babe
i was too dumb to see
you were always there for me
and my curiosity got the better of me
baby take it easy on me

anything from a to z
call me what you wanna but
i open my heart to be
you are my priority
can't you see you've punished me
more than enough already
baby take it easy on me

baby come back to me
i'll be everything you need
baby come back to me
boy, you're one in a million

baby come back to me
i'll be everything you need
baby come back to me
you're one in a million

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I have made up my mind to move on from my previous relationship. It isn't healthy. I acknowledged it but didn't want to accept it. Yesterday I made an impulsive decision and sent him a suicidal text but he didn't reply. I knew then that it isn't worth it at all.

It just feels great having someone to wake up to in bed in the morning. Let's just take it as a transition between holding on and letting go. I'm not falling for you, cos if I do it will hurt me, I'm just learning to move on.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I was an event planner.

But I can't even imagine how I should celebrate my 18th?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Delayed Photos Pt. 2

On 25 August we headed to Marina Bay Sands. I had an exam the next day but if my family's happy, I'm happy.

View from Skypark. Looks somewhat like Disneyland, doncha think?

The cars looked so tiny they seemed like toy cars :D

How can this place be Singapore?!?!?! How?

Another picture of 'Disneyland'

And more...

Flyer before dark...

Here's a picture of me with my parents, grandparents and aunts sans my sister.

Another one

Picture of family sans Daddy

Another one!

This was a candid shot. I'm good ehh? *Cadbury eyebrows*

My FB profile pic since forever!!!!

A wedding shoot for a Thai couple. One of the people who helped is a shemale leh. Quite cool!

Submitted this photo for a model competition. I'm currently through to the second round :)


Flyer after dark

I shall now end this post with an emo picture.
