Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today I am not in school and resting at home because of a series of unfortunate events that occurred yesterday.

Yesterday was the lousiest day ever. I'm beginning to see a pattern occurring only on Mondays. In fact I think I'm going to die on a Monday.

Firstly I failed on my grooming. The back of my head had baby hair and I only brought ONE pen instead of TWO! Like that also can minus marks, 佩服 佩服.

During the break I found that my heel had broken -_- managed to secure it with masking tape and survived.

THEN came the difficult part. Remember last week when I had to carry trays and failed? Well this week was worse.

We were asked to carry plates, and if you're thinking that sounds a lot easier it's actually the next court of hell. We had to carry 1.1kg porcelain plates, 2 on each hand. And the only things you can use to secure the plates are a thumb and a pinky.

Just like that. It's NOT easy I tell you.

The rule states that you have to lock your wrist and elbow muscles and use your left hand. No securing of plates by leaning them against your body. Hold them up by putting your 3 middle fingers together and by jutting out your thumb and pinky finger. Place the plate on your 3 fingers and secure your thumb and pinky on the plate. Just the rim of it though, you don't want to leave your fingerprints on these beauties.

And if you're carrying a second plate, rest it on your pinky! That's about it.

Needless to say I was the only one who broke a plate. My batch was really supportive, but I highly doubt that if I make another mistake they'll still be this kind to me.

All that and when I got back to my locker room I realised my other heel was broken.

I didn't feel much about my failure to carry out tasks. Everything was really a blur to me, I felt nothing and I was just staring dreamily into space, until people thought I was being emo and asked if I was okay. That was when I felt like I was going to cry :(

Ahh well. When you're at your lowest point, there's no way you can get any lower but up.

I cheered myself up by thinking I should get myself a new pair of heels.

Just then as I was walking down the overhead bridge my knee collapsed and ruptured.

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