And now, I've been seeing all these signs.
First, I read a book. It mentioned how enjoyable yoga is and sorta piqued my curiosity lah.
Next day, my parents encountered this Indian taxi driver in Malaysia who does hatha yoga, which is a traditional Hindu type of yoga system.
On the very same day, while at home, someone had posted on the wall of my condo's Facebook group that a hatha yoga company was going to organise a trial class for interested residents the following day. So naturally I jumped to the idea!
When you get the same thing thrice, it could very well be a sign!
Class was to start at 10am and I forced myself out of bed by 9. It's very unusual for me to get up this early, cos my already 5-week holiday influenced me to sleep at unearthly hours and wake up naturally at noontime. I honestly didn't know what to wear so I just made my outfit look gym-ish...

I can't remember if this photo was taken before or after the session. But this will do.
I'm a fairly new resident to this condo and thus I had some difficulty finding the exercise room. But I was actually 10 minutes early when I reached and the earliest!
Our instructor is a native Indian lady. My other "classmates" consisted of two middle-aged woman - one Japanese and the other Singaporean with a pilates background, the Singaporean woman's husband, and an elderly man. I first got acquainted to the old man cos we were the earliest to come to class and he's really nice.
Class was interesting. I found that many of these moves and stretching exercises were familiar to me because I had done them in my ballet classes. Everything seemed relatively easy, albeit slightly uncomfortable, and for some muscles I couldn't feel the stretch at all because they had already been stretched at maximum level during my ballet days. For example, for one exercise you should feel a stretch in your ankles but my decade-long experience of toe-pointing made me immune to that sensation.
All of a sudden, my knee gave way, I yelled, fell and clutched my knee. :( The instructor came over and massaged it. Few moments later, I was back in the scene.
The class ended with a few meditation exercises and I loved them. Actually, I haven't told this to anyone but I've been meditating since sec 4, but quite irregularly, and I'm glad I have something now to reinforce it.
Despite the end of the session being a tad more painful, I thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed it. Really. No complaints until much later when my knee swelled up quite badly and I had to limp down stairs and slopes while shopping.
For a year or so I've been feeling really weak. My heart's weak, and worse, I was getting out of shape. I've been praying and asking for help that I could find some sort of exercise I would enjoy so that my metabolism and heart rate would get better. Finally it came along and I intend to take yoga classes weekly!
Okay, it sounds very much like an ad now. Zis is not an ad! :(
All that aside, my knee is healing now and right before typing this entry, I dyed my hair. Back to black. Course regulations for this coming semester. I'm gonna be a chef with a tight gelled up hair and a bun and red lipstick. Sigh....
My hair looks fine, I just need to get used to it. By the way, is this real life?
I haven't spoken to my dad all day. Things have been getting quite estranged around here. Oh well.
White skin, black hair, red lips. Call me Snow White and I might feel better. Heh.
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