Wednesday, March 30, 2011

26 March Photos

Creds to Jayne:

Because it's my laptop

Creds to Amanda Lim


Heading out to Malaysia soon. I can't open my eyes they're so small. Speaking of small eyes, I remember that night when I was crying over the phone to Jayne and I could barely talk, I was just crying. Then she told me, "Yeeching, don't cry already. You know your eyes very big right, wait they become very small how?" I was like, "Nevermind I still got enough to spare." "You still got enough to spare? Then what if become like one line how?" "Nevermind I Chinese."

Monday, March 28, 2011

Movie Date 27/3

Finally had enough rest after going 2 days without sleep. Why? Yesterday morning I came back from a chalet at 8, then I thought I could sleep the rest of the day when I realised I had a birthday lunch to attend at 11.45. After that I went on a movie date because I felt like watching movie hahaha! So I skipped my sleep for that. Planned to sleep at 10pm but I came home at 11pm. Then for some reason I felt too lazy to sleep (Ya I know, like that also can) so I slept at 1. Not bad okay it's still much earlier than usual.

But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here to talk about what happened during the movie.

My cousin Kimli had 2 coupons to watch a movie so she asked my sis and I to come along with her. I felt awake all of a sudden. Hahaha.

So yup, chose our movie, went there, realised that the offer's only exclusive to selected movies. So no choice. Since there was a queue behind us I chose...

Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

I turned to my sis and said, "Looks like the kind of movie that you would watch."
She just turned 15 but she'll forever be 8 to me. Hahahahahahhaha.

Walked past the Justin Bieber Never Say Never poster. Kimli and I exchanged glances and laughed. What. Justin Bieber funny what.

I cannot believe it. That audience was particularly high last night. Ya we're watching a kid's movie but actually I could only hear the adults laughing.

Then in the theater the Never Say Never trailer was on. Could hear kids screaming "JUSTIN BIEBER" and it sounded like the whole theater was singing along. Omg. O.M.G.

Then during the real movie, this mum behind us couldn't stop commenting about the movie. I dunno if it's the mum or her son but I'll blame the mum because her son is also her responsibility.

I mean it's okay la if you make super philosophical comments - something worth respecting. But right if you state the obvious everyone's just gonna turn back stare at you and give you the diao face. That's what I did! I'm the "everyone", that is. Not the mum.

For example, the main character, Greg, was called into the art room because his crush was supposedly waiting for him there. So he entered, and his 'crush' was in there, painting with her back facing him. He kept calling her name but she didn't answer. The woman behind us repeatedly said, "Fake. Fake one. F-A-K-E, fake." So enlightened!!!!
We don't need to read the book we also know.

Apart from that, the audience was very very enthu. It's like all of a sudden the whole theater would start roaring and Kimli, Weiching and I would exchange looks and laugh at people laughing.

I could mainly hear the adults laughing because generally adults laugh louder. (Another very enlightening fact.) Especially during this scene when Greg was pranked into sitting on a candy bar inside the car and it looked like he had poop on his pants. So the dad took him out of the car and wiped Greg's pants with a lot of force and speed. And the dad's face expression was like... Also that scene was taken from the front view so it looked very sexual and sick. Obviously the kids weren't the ones who laughed the loudest...

My verdict of the movie is that the movie was okay, not too bad but not excellent either. The real entertainment came from the audience actually. Maybe the woman behind us has the potential of a narrator... who knows.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Before I get to sleep

Been out all night, first at Aishah's birthday chalet and then to some stranger's place. Staying over at a stranger's place, and taking walks at 4am and playing Truth or Dare (R-rated style) with people you don't know at all... the feeling is strange. And now I'm back home so I'm gonna kun before the visitors come in.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

My sister

My sister got her IC yesterday. It's her birthday tomorrow and she's turning 15.

I actually forgot to get her a gift this year.

In fact, I actually forget to get her a gift every year.

Except for like two years ago, I got her a teddy bear wearing a shirt with her name on it.

That, was the only birthday gift she received from me in all 14 years of her life.

And she? She's been religiously preparing birthday gifts for me every year. Last year she hinted that she didn't get me anything and I was quite annoyed with her. Oh but she DID get me something. Oh well...

I've just realised how unfair I've been to her, and not just on birthdays.

When she was a baby, she was the unfair one. She liked hitting peoples' heads but for some reason she particularly loved hitting mine. If I'm not wrong it hurt, a lot.

Fortunately from then on, things were smooth sailing. I had close to no friends because of my autism-like problem and she was probably my only friend. We were known to our relatives as 'so good girl why you don't want to learn from them'.

I hardly upload childhood photos with her inside because HAHA I quite jealous of her cuteness. Shh...

But I made an exception.


A solo shot of her being cute

Things turned for the worse when I was in P3. People started being rude and I was the target of verbal bullying. I tried to get friends. But whenever I talked to them they'd attack me with, "So?" "Then?" "And then?" Tsk. Childish.

So one day I decided to let them have a taste of their own medicine. I remember very clearly the first time I did so was in the toilet. I met one of the bullies and she didn't say anything but I kept spamming her with So's and Then's. She gave me a fake smile, the hahaha-I-don't-know-what-to-say-because-I'm-obviously-at-the-lower-hand-so-I'm-just-gonna-smile-at-you smile. She was speechless. Well obviously right? She didn't even say anything before I even tackled her what hahahahha. But I tell you her expression was priceless.

SO? SO I WENT HOME AND PRACTISED IT! On my sister. She was just K2 and was clearly even more speechless. I feel very bad for her now.

Naturally from my So's and Then's I became a meanie. At times I would get violent. I remember she made me angry once and I was so furious, I did the stupidest, most impulsive thing of stepping on her foot with all of my weight. She cried. Another time, I scratched her arm with my fingernails till it bled.

In another few years she managed to catch up though and we would constantly bicker. I would be like, "Eh last time you so good girl now you so rude" because I very bu shuang (not happy) she could answer back. Then she'd reply with, "You also like that what." And that sparked off our conflicting sister-sister relationship in years to come.

But we also learnt to keep each other's secrets. No, actually she learnt to keep my secrets. She hasn't met a single guy all her life. So guaikia, complete opposite of me.
"Eh Weiching, I going out again ah. If Daddy Mummy ask say I never come back at all."
"O_O okay."

You know what annoys me about her? When my headset is on and she interrupts me to talk about... Pokemon.

Over the years I think I was the petty one. She was the one who cried too easily. I also learnt that she's super serious during ballet. Back when I was still dancing my ballet teacher reflected to me that Weiching was uber serious. "I joke with her she also never laugh. Just stare back at me. So scary."

Then I got really confused. I looked at her and went, "I more serious than her."
"Really? But at least you know how to smile."

I didn't really believe it till this year, when my parents had to be consistently in and out of Singapore and I had to fetch Weiching from ballet class. That meant I could sit in and watch her dance. I swear, even though her technique was perfect I couldn't stop laughing at her pokerface. I laugh at people's misery one la aiya.

So... ya. Made me realise that I don't really know her inside out and I should get her a gift this year. Like today, I'm gonna head out at the last minute to get her something. I'll do better next year.

I wasn't the best. I'll be the best now.